I have just gone through the Great War at home. Not WW1 but our very own Kurukshetra. The reason is very simple and is covered in my earlier posting titled 'Silly Chicken and Sambhar'.
My wife was the Pandavas (she is always on the good side. Not that I am ever given a choice). She is Yudhishtra usually, and depending on the time of the day and the week, she runs through the entire Pandava pantheon.
I am always Duryodhana and my 99 other split personalities take care of the remaining brothers. You see (and if you don't, its OK), according to my wife I suffer from Schizophrenia and have 100 different personalities inside me. Don't ask me what is Schizophrenia, since I do not know (I think it is having a personality). I once tried looking it up in the dictionary, but gave up as I didn't know the spelling.
The earlier mentioned blog, apparently brought out the Stree Shakti (woman power in case you don't know that) in her. She became Shakti Ma, Durga Ma and Sobha Ma (that is our maid) and Yudhistra all in one.
The chosen battle ground was our dining room. She had all the above Ma's and to boot, Dhar-Ma on her side. All I had was logic, reason, a discerning palate and a sense of humor. It was not a fair fight.
I lost.
All chicken dishes have been banned from our house. Only Sambhar, Rasam and an unidentified green dish (supposed to be healthy) is all that is being made.
Did I really lose?